
Study on sustainable development of Henan rural banks based on SWOT

Date: 2024-01-24    Source: 

Wang Yuxiang, School of Economics


Abstract: The establishment and development of rural banks is an important part of the rural financial comprehensive reform and innovation pilot in Henan rural financial reform pilot zone work. On the basis of summarizing and outlining the development status of rural banks in Henan province, SWOT model is adopted to integrate various influencing factors related to internal resources and external environment of rural banks in Henan Province, analyze the competitive situation of rural banks in Henan province, draw conclusions on basic strategic combinations, and then put forward a series of policy suggestions for realizing sustainable development of rural banks in Henan Province.


Read the article here:        78基于SWOT的河南村镇银行可持续发展研究_王伟.pdf