
Countermeasures for sustainable development of policy agricultural insurance in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-01-26    Source: 

Gu Mingshu, School of Economics


Abstract: Based on the investigation and research of policy-based agricultural insurance in Liaoning Province, this paper analyzes the factors and causes that restrict the development of policy-based agricultural insurance, and puts forward the following policy suggestions for promoting the sustainable development of policy-based agricultural insurance: Strengthen government guidance, establish a provincial catastrophe risk dispersion mechanism, improve the financial subsidy allocation mechanism, ensure that financial subsidies at all levels are in place in a timely and full manner, strengthen supervision over the compliance operation of insurance institutions, regulate market behavior, and focus on cultivating farmers' insurance awareness." 


Read the article here:       93辽宁省政策性农业保险可持续发展的对策思考_谷明淑.pdf