
Anthropomorphism and non-anthropomorphism

Date: 2024-01-30    Source: 

Shi Zhong, School of Public Management

Abstract: With the increasingly severe crisis of human living environment, people began to reflect on the gains and losses of the anthropomorphism they once pursued, so there appeared various non-anthropomorphism trends of thought. Among them, the debate on "Anthropomorphism" and "Non-anthropomorphism" between ecological ethics and ecological philosophy is particularly representative. On the surface, the two views seem to be opposite, but in fact, the purpose of the two is the same, to solve the problem of the relationship between man and nature. The debate between the two is very meaningful, through the debate between the two, to promote human rational self-positioning, and strive to explore and move towards a "reasonable" Anthropomorphism, or called sustainable development of anthropomorphism.


Read the article here:       123人类中心主义与非人类中心主义合议_时中.pdf