
Discussion on sustainable development countermeasures of small and micro finance in commercial banks

Date: 2024-02-05    Source: 

Gao Wa, Asia-Australia Business College


 Abstract: The development of small and micro enterprises is an important factor to boost China's economic take-off, but the difficulty of financing and the lack of relevant financial services have always been the bottleneck restricting the development of small and micro enterprises. Nowadays, various commercial banks have launched small and micro financial services. On the one hand, it serves as a way for commercial banks to expand their business, and on the other hand, it is also used to solve the loan problems of small and micro enterprises. Therefore, studying how to realize the sustainable development of small and micro finance of commercial banks has far-reaching significance for the development of small and micro enterprises and banks themselves. This paper mainly analyzes the necessity of commercial banks to carry out small and micro finance and its existing problems and states, and puts forward several suggestions to help realize the sustainable development of small and micro finance in commercial banks.


Read the article here:       83商业银行小微金融可持续发展对策探讨_高娲.pdf