
Static and dynamic analysis of ecological level of tourism industry in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-02-06    Source: 

Wang Ting, Jiang Man, Liu Baitong, Ju Yingying, Zhang Lin, Business School


 Abstract: This paper establishes the evaluation index system of tourism industry eco-level, and uses the methods of principal component analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis to carry out static and dynamic analysis on the eco-level of tourism industry in 14 cities of Liaoning Province, discusses the characteristics of the eco-level of tourism industry in each city, and puts forward suggestions and countermeasures. The results show that the ecological level of tourism industry in Liaoning Province has been on the rise in the past 10 years, but the differences between different regions are obvious and increasing, and the differences in economic strength, technical level, policy guidance, industrial structure and other aspects are the main reasons for this phenomenon.


Read the article here:       87辽宁旅游产业生态化水平的静态与动态分析_王婷.pdf