
Historical evolution and realistic reflection of ecological values

Date: 2024-02-13    Source: 

Jiang Fan, School of Journalism and Communication

Liu Delong, Shandong Federation of Social sSiences

Abstract: Correct ecological values is an indispensable part of the scientific outlook on development‚ is also the premise and basis for establishing the scientific outlook on development. Human ecological values evolve and change along with the development of the relationship between man and nature. For a long time, mankind has overemphasized the human factor and economic and social development. However, no attention is paid to the necessary protection and sustainable use of natural resources and ecological environment, resulting in the disharmony between man and nature. In particular, the development of industrial civilization, while created unprecedented material prosperity and a high degree of social civilization‚ has also planted the root of self-destruction and brought disastrous consequences to mankind itself. Rebuilding the ecological value of harmonious coexistence between man and nature has become an urgent task facing all mankind. Under this background‚ global ecological reflection is booming and many new thinking and concepts have entered the context of globalization. The ecological crisis that mankind is facing is essentially the danger of cultural uniformity. Without cultural diversity ‚ it is impossible to form a virtuous cycle of ecological environment. Without reforming and reconstructing the ecological values of mankind in the past‚ without surfacing the narrow anthropocentric theory‚ it is impossible to fundamentally reverse the fate of the serious deterioration of the ecological environment. Both in the world and in China, this reflection on ecological culture has been fruitful. Protecting ecology, the environment and resources to achieve harmony between man and nature‚ maintaining comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development have become a global consensus. 



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