
The English book Law and Renewable Energy Co-authored by Legal Scholars in China, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia Got Published

Date: 2024-02-27    Source: 

The English book Law and Renewable Energy, which was written by Yan Hai from the Law School of Liaoning University in China, Fernando, Maia and Anna from Center for Legal Science of Universidade Federal da Paraíba in Brazil, has been published by Brazil’s Papel da Palavra Publishing House. This book is part of the final achievements of the International Seminar on Renewable Energy Law, which was jointly organized by the Law School of Liaoning University and Center for Legal Science of Universidade Federal da Paraíba in 2022.



In April, 2022, with the support of the Consulate General of China in Recife in Brazil, the International Exchanges Department of Liaoning University and the International Office of Universidade Federal da Paraíba in Brazil, an online signing ceremony of the general agreement on academic cooperation was held between Liaoning University and Universidade Federal da Paraíba in Brazil. Under the inter-institutional agreement between the two sides, the International Seminar on Renewable Energy Law was successfully held by the Law School of Liaoning University and Center for Legal Science of Universidade Federal da Paraíba in Brazil, attracting nearly 20 scholars from China, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico to attend. The two sides agreed to hold an international seminar on law every year and publish the academic achievements made during the seminar. The International Seminar on Law and Water Resources was held at the end of August, 2023.




This book focuses on the legal issues of renewable energies. As a new thing, renewable energies need to be protected by law and the legal issues existing during their development should also be resolved. This book covers many legal issues such as the development and utilization, contracts, land, environment, compensation of renewable energies, involving many factors such as economy, politics, society and humanities in the host countries. Some issues can be found globally while others are specific issues in individual countries, offering great inspiration for the legal development of renewable energies in China and other countries in the world.

One of China’s philosophies in developing itself is to build a community of human destiny through green development. The publication of this book rendered an introduction to the world China’s great achievements in the field of renewable energies as well as a series of safeguard measures in legal system and policy. These not only contributed China’s wisdom and China’s way of solving human problems, but also played a leading role in the field of renewable energies in the future, thus enhancing China’s international influence. Scholars from Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and other countries also shared the experience of the rule of law in the development of renewable energies in this book, which promoted the academic exchanges of law between China and American countries.