The Theory, Practice, and Institutional Construction of Education Vouchers

Date: 2024-01-04    Source: 

Abstract: Education services belong to a type of public goods and can also be purchased by the government, while education voucher is an innovative mechanism for the government to purchase education services. Education vouchers have multidimensional properties, which can ensure the reasonable utilization of educational funds and promote competition, strive to improve the quality of education, increase educational resources, facilitate free choice, and achieve educational equity. The practice of education vouchers in various countries has formed market models, compensatory market models, and post-compulsory education models. The practice in Changxing County of China belongs to a mixture of the latter two. China should clarify the supplementary positioning of education vouchers in education finance, and establish distribution targets, information platforms, and regulatory systems for education vouchers.


Read the article here:   教育券的理论、实践与制度构建_闫海.pdf