The Internal Logic and Realization Path of Fairness, Justice and Efficiency in China's Higher Education Reform

Date: 2024-01-05    Source: 

Abstract: Higher education is an area of high interest to various stakeholders including the state, local, government, society, groups, and individuals. The realization of fairness, justice and efficiency is closely related to people's lives and the fate of a country. At present, China's higher education reform is facing many realistic dilemmas such as the lack of justice, the subjective bias of the government leading to the imbalance of fairness, justice and efficiency, the chaos of the allocation of basic resources and competitive resources, and the lack of guarantee mechanisms caused by the lack of laws and the public's exclusion. To achieve the harmonious unity of fairness, justice and efficiency in higher education reform, we should take" educational justice" as the basic value orientation, follow and adhere to the" competitive neutral principle", promote the principle of difference and the priority of competitive resource efficiency and establish a safeguard mechanism from the two- dimensional perspective of law and system maintenance.


Read the article here:   我国高等教育改革中公平、正...与效率的内在逻辑与实现路径_曹方方.pdf