The Dilemma and Countermeasures of Family Education Right Implementation in Compulsory Education Stage

Date: 2024-01-06    Source: 

Abstract: The right to family education is one of the important components of educational right, including parents' right to choose and participate in education. At the stage of compulsory education, the right to family education has many predicaments in the process of its implementation: the conflict between the right to family education and the right to national education, the right to school education, the pursuit of educational equity, the parents' enthusiasm for school selection, the parents’ lack of understanding of the right to education and the lack of legislative protection of the right to family education. In order to solve these difficulties, the corresponding measures include promoting the school diversity of compulsory education stage, ensuring the legitimate exercise of parents' right to choose schools, establishing the relevant system of parents’ participation, carrying out the activities of popularizing the right to family education and establishing the family education by law the legal status of the right to court education, etc.


Read the article here:   义务教育阶段家庭教育权实施困境及对策_赵士谦.pdf