Analysis of the Equilibrium Effect of Heterogeneous Input of Resources on Basic Educational Performance:Based on the Perspective of Regional Structure

Date: 2024-01-06    Source: 

Abstract: Equity in education plays an important role in promoting economic growth and achieving common prosperity, and the equal allocation of educational resources is conducive to the realization of educational equity, standing in the perspective of regional spatial structure:(1) The educational performance based on the input and output of educational resources is heterogeneous among provinces, it shows low to high values from north to south, high values are distributed in a semicircular pattern in the south central region;(2) The degree of centrality of educational performance varies among provinces and cities, it shows obvious spatial clustering characteristics, economic and cultural hub provinces and cities have significant demonstration effect, the Southeast spills mostly into the Midwest, the Northern region mainly receives overflow;(3) The correlation regression of influencing factors showed that, the financial resources> the material resources> the human resources, in more detail, the individual part of educational expenses is superior to the public part, IT construction is stronger than infrastructure construction, high-level teachers are better than basic teachers. Moreover, the regional heterogeneity of educational resources in different plates showed that different provinces and cities have significant differences.


Read the article here:   资源异质性投入对基础教育绩...用分析——基于区域结构视角_聂荣.pdf