
Study on Allocation of Resources of Rural Basic Education under the Fair View--Taking Shandong Province as an Example

Date: 2024-01-08    Source: 


The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy, which based on knowledge and innovation, however, education is the power source to promote the knowledge economy. To improve the economic ,not only needs revitalization technology elites and high-level talents ,but also need to improve the whole national quality. Education is the key to developing a country by science and education, increasing national power and promoting quality-oriented education National strategic planning only focus on the basic education, the educational benefit can be delivered at the extreme.

Education reviving a country is our development idea, governments at all levels make great efforts to develop the elementary education meanwhile, spent a great deal of human resource, financial resource and material resource. Nevertheless, dual economic structure and the household registration system and other factors, especially the city-oriented policy, leads to the rural basic education in non-balanced for a long time, restricts the development of rural basic education badly, which not only affect the comprehensive development of the education, but also create the unfairness of basic education, eventually initiate social unfairness and turbulence.

The first chapter details the concept of fair allocation of basic education resources, such as education equity theory and cost -sharing theory. Focuses on several important concepts education equity research requires the use of carried the connotation and denotation defined, while the related cost-sharing basis and the theory, education equity theory are discussed. The second chapter points out analyzed the current situation of allocation, choose representative assessment indicators of Shandong province, which includes manpower, physical and financial resources. Then further analyzed the problems as well as the reasons for rural unfair allocation of elementary education. The third chapter takes Shandong as the example, through the empirical analysis to sum up the impact factors on rural basic allocation. The fourth chapter summarizes foreign countries on the fair allocation of resources for basic education in the United States, Japan and India, combined with China's specific conditions and draw inspiration of the rural basic education resources tair allocation. Finally, this paper puts forward the tactics to solve the basic education unfair allocation of resources problem on the basis of summarizing the chapters on the human, financial and material resources.


Read the article here:   公平视角下的农村基础教育资源配置问题研究_宁召雯.pdf