
The Research Report about Students’ Loan on Henan Branch of China Develop Bank

Date: 2024-01-08    Source: 


The people's livelihood finance is the financial behavior based on people-oriented and service economy. The social responsibility and financial institutions, which reflects the essence Scientific Outlook on Development requirements. National student loan is one of the important contents of livelihood financial and business, involving the basic guarantee of the development rights of vulnerable groups. In view of student loan management cost, long period, high risk and low profit, It is a general policy loans is dominated by the government, so that the national student loan. It is mainly composed of the fiscal and universities together to give banks a certain interest and risk, compensation, banking, education and administrative department and the joint operation, It is designed to help the University family economic difficulties students pay during the school tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses, the loan student after graduation installment loan. National student loan is to ease the market failure, an important measure to promote education fair.

National Development Bank since its establishment in 1994, has long been a focus of services including Student Loans Finance of the people's livelihood, is committed to achieving common development of Finance and economy. Through the development of long-term credit and investment and other financial business, to serve the strategy of long-term development of the important in the national economy, and implement the national macro economic policy, raising and guide social capital to ease the bottle neck constraining economic and social development and the weak link, is committed to promoting the market on construction and financing in support of the national infrastructure, basic industries, pillar industries and the strategic emerging industry development. The national construction projects, and promote coordinated regional development and urban construction, support small and medium enterprises, "three rural area", education, low-income housing, health care and environmental protection and other areas of development. The China Development Bank supports the strategy of going out, and to expand international cooperation business. Thus, it not only strengthen the national power, but also improve the people's livelihood, and promote scientific development.

According to the National Development Bank in the national student loan field exploration, and mainly in the representative CDB Henan branch of the successful implementation of the national student loan "Henan mode" as the research object, analysis and summary of CDB Henan branch to carry out the national student loan, reason, background of experience, practice and effect, according to the main the problems existing in the national student loan business bank branch in Henan province and analyze the survey results, and puts forward the corresponding measures, aimed at improving the financing system innovation, government, market, enterprise, social forces together, play the development and construction of financial market, the credit construction advantage, promote social development with market construction, the gap in the market into the commercial sustainable business, achieve a win-win social responsibility and business value.


Read the article here:   国家开发银行河南省分行助学贷款业务调研报告_王硕.pdf