
Research on the Impact of Educational Inequality on the Urban-rural Income Gap in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-01-09    Source: 


As a major industrial and agricultural province, Liaoning Province is also a famous old industrial base in China. The overall economic development is good, but only a slight fluctuation can have a significant impact on the economic level of China. Moreover, the urban-rural income gap in Liaoning Province has always been a key issue in its development. Since the reform and opening up, the Chinese government has been making great efforts to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, break the barriers of urban-rural dual system, promote the development of urban-rural integration, and take the road of common prosperity, and has made great achievements. However, due to the influence of various factors, although China has implemented a variety of measures, such as the construction of a new countryside, targeted poverty alleviation, benefit to farmers, rural revitalization and other policies, there is still a large income gap between urban and rural residents, and the process of urban-rural integration is slow. From education unequal Angle, this paper thoroughly studies the education inequality's influence on the income gap between urban and rural areas in Liaoning province, in urban and rural residents by the uneven distribution of education and general education gini coefficient as the main research object, the measure of the Liaoning province education inequality relation with the change of the income gap between urban and rural residents, and based on the study of the former, respectively from the perspective of theoretical and empirical investigation mechanism and the influence of both single factor's influence on the income gap, and for the problems of urban and rural development in Liaoning province put forward the corresponding policy recommendations.

Firstly, this paper makes a descriptive analysis of the educational inequality in Liaoning Province through the income level of urban and rural residents since the reform and opening up and the scale of urban and rural education investment, government funds and teachers in the last ten years, and obtains the income gap stars in Liaoning Province.

Secondly, by measuring the education inequality degree of Liaoning Province from 2002 to 2018 through the Gini coefficient of education, and comparing with other provinces in the whole country and Northeast China, the education inequality degree and development trend of Liaoning Province can be obtained. Furthermore, based on the model of multiple linear regression, the empirical analysis of educational inequality and the income gap between urban and rural residents is carried out, and the conclusion is drawn that educational inequality will increase the income gap between urban and rural residents.

Finally, according to the policy analysis, the paper puts forward some policies to

accelerate the development of rural areas in Liaoning Province, strengthen the educational resources in rural areas and improve the income level of rural residents by increasing government investment, allocating educational resources reasonably and strengthening urban and rural public education services. It is necessary not only to improve the overall development level of Liaoning Province, but also to accelerate the overall development speed of Northeast China. For Northeast China, it is necessary to improve the overall income level of farmers by controlling the process of agricultural production and production cost, and establish corresponding financial support policies for agriculture. By allocating funds to new industries in rural areas, it is necessary to promote the deep integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries and activate the endogenous impetus for agricultural and rural development.


Read the article here:   教育不平等对辽宁省城乡收入差距的影响研究_范玥臻.pdf