
Research on the Rural Education Fairness under Perspective of Capability — A Case of Chifeng Rural

Date: 2024-01-12    Source: 


Education equity is an important component of social justice. Realizing education fairness to construct a socialist harmonious society is the nature of China's economic and social requirements and the inevitable choice for the development of continuous equilibrium. About 65% of our Country’s population is concentrated in the countryside.

To realize the all-round development of the countryside society, the first thing is to achieve the rural people's all-round development, and improve their ability. However, to promote the all-round development of rural people, education plays a fundamental and key role. Our country rural education has made great progress, but there are still many inequalities and many rural students' right to receive education has not been fully safeguarded.

This paper is divided into four parts.

The first part of the subject: the paper expatiation is based on the theoretical and the realistic significance. We put forward the innovation points and specific methods, which are based on both in domestic and abroad research reviewed the theoretical results.

The second part of the subject: education resources, rural education and education fair’s basic concept and the definition of Sen, Amartya Sen’s feasible; an overview of capability theory, mainly from political freedom, economic condition, social opportunity, social transparency assurance, safety protective security five, analyzes the theoretical framework of construction paper.

The third part of the papers pointing out the problem of the current Chifeng city, expounding unfair problems of rural education unfair chifeng city of reason. Through the performance of unfair thorough analysis, using the feasible to inner reasons for capability theory. The fourth part of the paper is to achieve the rural education fairness of analysis of countermeasures. Mainly through the following five ways: expand the farmers' political freedom and rights and perfect rural economic conditions, emphatically for farmers for social opportunity, strengthen rural transparency guarantee, perfect rural security protection guarantee. Anyhow, this article attempts to achieve education for rural chifeng city, using feasible fair point to analyze the capability theory in rural education existence of chifeng city unfairly problem, find out solution countermeasures to guide the government behavior and promote the development of rural education fairness.


Read the article here:   可行能力视角下的中国农村教育公平性研究_陈明月.pdf