
Rural Left-behind Children's Right to Education of Legal Protection Research

Date: 2024-01-14    Source: 


Eighteen big report clearly put forward: the focus of the education fair is to rural, remote, impoverished, tilted to carry on the education resources in national regions, support special education, improve the level of family economic difficulties students funding, particularly referred to guarantee migrant children equal access to education, make the education fair premise to shape the "dare to practice" high quality talents for the target. Education is the founding, talent cultivation is to build people-oriented harmonious socialist society and the construction of new socialist countryside is the most important aspect. Education fair, however, can't just rely on the policy and the social attention, education fair is a national plan, the education fair at home and abroad, according to the experiences and lessons of education fairness is the reshaping of the education concept, first under the new concept of quality education, realize the freedom of each individual make progress, finally realize the comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development of the whole society.

As can be seen from the research results in recent years, respect and safeguard human rights has become an international consensus, the cause of China's compulsory education is a thriving posture reveals the strength of China's rise. Rural left-behind children education problem is not harmony in the process of social progress, but will promote China's education legislation and practice "three provinces in my body," to the problem of left-behind children education attaches great importance to the more is the basic requirement of socialism administering. Based on the aspect of study on rural left-behind children education problem.

Throughout the rural left-behind children are protected by the laws of education present situation, the rural left-behind children are protected by the laws of education could not be in accordance with the special legislation, Government of rural left-behind children's right to education protected by the laws of the institutions; Left-behind children legal relief way, The government lack of persistent fiscal input mechanism to promote the development of left-behind children education career. Our country rural left-behind children by education entitled to the protection of the concrete, it’s a long way to go.

China as the convention on the rights of children of states parties and important to protect the rights of children practice, constantly advancing with The Times, the state council in July 2011, published by the children's development compendium(2011-2020)"children's rights protection should be put forward to carry out protection principles, the principle of children's interests according to law, the principle of best interests of children, child development principle of equality and children participate in principle, the author will through the five principles to rural left-behind children's right to education of legislative, administrative and legal relief and its financial system put forward constructive Suggestions.

Uphold the left-behind children's rights protection and maximum respect in accordance with the best protection goal, establishing perfect left-behind children educational special legislation; Government to strictly handle affairs according to law, from central to local agencies to attach importance to rural left-behind children problem, real administering education according to law; Increased government spending, optimize the strength of social support rural education; Perfect the right to education of left-behind children relief way, refine the relief procedure, reveals the spirit of human rights with Chinese characteristics.


Read the article here:   农村留守儿童受教育权法律保护研究_高慎蓉.pdf