
The Art Spirit of Contemporary Feminine Poetry

Date: 2024-01-24    Source: 

Abstract: Women's poetry has its own evolution in every country. The development path of Chinese women's poetry is particularly complicated and tortuous compared with that of the West. In the traditional culture dominated by the patriarchy, the theme is grief. The loosening of patriarchal consciousness the awakening of female consciousness. The female poetry tries to "betray" the traditional poetry from "attachment" to the spiritual level. In modern times, the consciousness of patriarchy has been unprecedentedly impacted, and the idea of "self-reliance and self-improvement" of women's rising up has set the cornerstone for the rise of female literature in the century. Contemporary female poetry has almost eliminated gender consciousness, sung Wang Shuting for people, and begun to really consciously create to Wang Xiaoni and began to find their own language and construct their own artistic spirit female poetry shows the real pure "body literature" and "era" language literature in the middle and late periods Female poetry has completed the construction of the artistic spirit with the meaning of life as the theme - the contemporary artistic spirit of "singing for me" that is completely owned by itself on the whole. In the future, it is necessary to integrate the female poetry with the universal value orientation and spiritual meaning of human beings, to achieve the further sublimation of female consciousness and the artistic spirit of female poetry.


Read the full article here:   当代女性诗歌的艺术精神_金华.pdf