
Compromise, Collusion and Resistance — On Women’s Survival in The Blind Assassin

Date: 2024-02-02    Source: 

Abstract: Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler, who belong to the second wave of feminism, are both famous theorists. They have their own unique cognition and insight on women's studies. De Beauvoir's The Second Sex inherits the ideas of Heidegger, Sartre and others, and puts forward from "existence precedes essence" that "women are not born; It's an acquired taste. " , points out that women's gender is full of construction, and outlines the rigidity and singleness of mainstream femininity, the subordinate status of female otherness, women's difficult survival reality and women's desire for independence from multiple dimensions such as history, culture, literature and practice.


Read the full article here:   妥协、共谋、反抗——《盲刺客》中女性生存之思_李阳.pdf