
A Modern Column of Ta Kung Pao Relate to: Women Issues of Research

Date: 2024-02-06    Source: 

Abstract: Modern appear at the end of 1920s, to 1930s it inclined to fashion. If its meaning is modern or contemporary, its English meaning is modern, its French meaning is moderne, Latina meaning is modernvs. According to American dictionary its meaning is new design not outdated, its meaning also means The character of Modernity. This column aim is solve Youth gloomy of problem. 20th century in prosperous shanghai, new phenomenon need to give appropriate words to decorated itself. Modern and fashion to the great extent have same meaning, but it have some advantages. It have external meaning, it also meet aspiration of Youth. Modern column start from one thousand nine hundred and thirty November 30th. It is issued every Monday.  One thousand nine hundred and thirty-one September 27th end. Column involve some questions, for example marriage, education, occupation, property and so on. First chapter summarize confusedness, other magazines also have same issues. Second chapter list scheme, women need to expand skills to exist, strong will also possessed. Third chapter discuss how to become modern women.  An open atmosphere and new cities town provide objective condition. Women problem is very important social problem. Western thoughts come to China conflicting to Chines traditional thoughts. Chinese women how to exist is newspaper concerning central issue.  Shanghai is filled with western style. Chinese women go through suffering ancient time and they were trapped in fetter. The awareness of education, employment, marriage, property undergo changes. The increasing emancipation consciousness of women, they are supposed to abandon old system, whether it should be, nobody knows. This needs to to be have a frank discussion. Thus it can be seen journalist editors have a sense of responsibility for social service, and direct youth to establish real modern spirit.


Read the full article here:   《大公报》“摩登栏目”所涉妇女问题研究_刘晓.pdf