
The Formation and Evolution of Engels' View of Women and Its Value Research

Date: 2024-02-06    Source: 

Abstract: As one of the founders of Marxism, Friedrich Engels, "the second violinist", together with Marx, founded Marxist theory and made great contributions to the cause of proletarian liberation. Engels' thought of women is an important part of Marxist theoretical system. In the process of studying historical materialism and the law of social development, it reveals the important role played by women in social history, and points out that the degree of all-round development of women is an important symbol of the development of human social civilization. The problem of women's liberation is often talked about in the process of human society. As an important force in social change, human liberation is the highest goal of women's liberation, and women's liberation is the yardstick of human liberation. Reviewing Engels' view of women is of great significance to guide China to move towards the goal of the second century and to realize the vigorous development of women's liberation in the new era. This paper mainly explores the formation, evolution and contemporary value of Engels' view of women through the methods of literature research, historical analysis and logical induction. It is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction, which is the general normative description of the research content of the full text from the whole. The second part is the emergence and development of Engels' view of women, which mainly studies the social and historical conditions and historical development track of Engels' view of women, and explains that Engels' view of women is based on historical materialism, the critical inheritance of relevant theories in European history, the induction and summary of social development, and the actual exploration of women's living situation. At the same time, according to the evolution process of Engels' thought, the formation and perfection of Engels' view of women is divided into four periods: preliminary burst, preliminary exploration, continuous evolution and final stereotyping. The third part is the main content of Engels' view of women. Engels takes historical materialism as the basic position, analyzes the whole process of the evolution of women's social status from the history of family evolution, points out the social role played by women in the two kinds of production, as well as the reasons why women are enslaved, and draws the conclusion that the root way for women to seek liberation is to eliminate private ownership. The fourth part explains the theoretical value of Engels' view of women in the international scope and the realistic value to the development of Chinese women's cause.


Read the full article here:   恩格斯妇女观的形成演进及其价值研究_刘美岐.pdf