
Research on Integration of Urban-rural Medical Insurance-system in the City of Chifeng

Date: 2024-02-11    Source: 

Mei Jie, School of Public Management

Abstract: For a long time, the urban and rural medical insurance system has been embedded in the system characteristics of the economic and social structure of two yuan. Under the background of national health insurance, urban and rural residents based on the behavior of economic linkage and social capital, the need for urban and rural medical security system financing, management, payment, service and environment of the overall convergence. Regression analysis of survey data found in various areas of Chifeng city based on the overall level of economic development is an important premise to realize the integration of urban and rural health care, health insurance benefit balance of different groups is an important guarantee to achieve the integration of urban and rural health care. Urban and rural medical insurance is an important part of urban and rural development and the inevitable requirement, is refers to the concepts and requirements adhere to urban and rural medical security system in our country in the construction of the city and countryside as a whole to plan and arrange in the design and construction of the medical insurance system, breaking the division of urban and rural medical insurance system of two yuan. The elimination of the city and the countryside to enjoy medical insurance unfair phenomenon, the establishment of urban and rural medical insurance system covering both urban and rural areas, coordinated development, so that the city andthe rural residents are able to enjoy equal rights and interests of medical insurance, toprotect and promote the health of all people, and promote the overall economic and social sustainable development.

Based on the current situation of medical insurance system of urban and rural integration in Chifeng city run, Chifeng city found that the integration of the medical insurance liquidity operation of the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents in poor, lack of medical insurance, the sustainability of the multi-level medical security system is not perfect and other practical problems, and further analyzes the negative effects produced by the difference between the urban and rural medical the level of insurance benefits, in-depth analysis of the main causes of these differences and the feasibility of medical insurance of urban and rural residents overall analysis. There are obvious differences between urban and rural areas two van, coupled with the city and two rural medical security system convergence mechanism not clear. has a serious impaction China's urban and rural economic and social sustainable development and social justice, the reform must be made on the urban and rural development in order to adapt and promote economic and social development. Finally, based on the specific circumstances of Chifeng City, the completion of the path planning and design of the system of urban and rural medical insurance, medical insurance, for the integration of urban and rural residents to promote the speed and adapt to the survival and development of disadvantaged groups to provide theoretical and practical reference to the social and economic development.


Read the full article here:   基于待遇水平差异的城乡医疗保险统筹研究.pdf