
Legal Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers

Date: 2024-02-13    Source: 

Zhang Li, Law School

Abstract: This study is that farmers work for a special social group, the protection of their rights and presented on the legal level of significance. The rapid development of China's national economy has led to a lot of people, including farmers, cities, a large number of farmers into the cities, migrant workers across the country have formed an heat in the inner city and even, from this into the city's farmers to promote the enormous power of China's economic development. The word of the migrant workers and peasants, they seem to also be labeled as weak hat. However, city life has given them all the "disaster", city life became fetters them towards a better life. City of peasant life, they suffer from all sorts of rights violations, including the reasons of economic, social and political democracy. Economic rights violations facing migrant workers employment careers, made of the labor remuneration and social security issues. Economic rights violations facing migrant workers employment careers, made of the labor remuneration and social security issues. Facing the social rights of migrant workers in the labor market freely chosen labor work, labor safety and protection, physical and mental damage, labor dispute handling, and enjoy the rest, vacation and other aspects of the state's legal rights are infringed upon. Political and democratic rights are faced with the most basic right to vote and stand for election as personality rights, the lack of the right to personal liberty and political participation rights. Countries have taken various measures, including creation of specialized migrant workers legal aid agencies to protect the rights of migrant workers, and there are a lot of law firms and other non-governmental organizations try to help our migrant workers Brothers, hope there are more number of organizations, institutions or individuals to join things for farmers' rights to promote the interests of a variety of migrant workers from abuse, to promote the rapid development of the national economy, and the harmonious development of society as a whole.

This article intends to start from the purpose of discussing the protection of the rights of migrant workers, the value system, and then raised the problems of the protection of the rights of migrant workers, and finally the methods and measures to improve the rights of migrant workers from the legislation proposed optimization measures. The argument taken in this article is mainly to refer to some of the documents and laws and regulations to carry out the success stories of the discourse, and in some areas. This paper uses the literature to prove the point, to optimize the way rights of migrant workers from various angles.

Recommended as soon as possible to develop and improve relevant laws to speed up the integration with the international community, and improve China's human rights cause of protecting society as a whole to focus on the development of the cause of migrant workers, the establishment of relevant organizations to protect the rights of migrant workers, the promotion of migrant workers construction of this great project. Promote the full help of the Government of migrant workers, migrant workers are no longer thinking about rights, but merely to create their own space for survival.


Read the full article here:   农民工权利的法律保护研究.pdf