
Shenyang Social Service Condition Investigation and Study for the Disabled

Date: 2024-02-15    Source: 

Huang Shan, School of Public Management

Abstract: The disabled as an important part of social population, and enjoy equal social rights and dignity of the perfect person. If the poverty and backwardness is one of the standard to reflect a country's wealth level, so the life of disabled persons is one of the standard reflects a country's degree of social civilization. A country should be disabled to realize their own value, increase the sense of social identity, quality of life, promote employment opportunities to provide protection and support. Therefore, the social service system to improve and perfect, is one of the important guarantee to promote social stability and harmonious development.

Since the Third Plenary Session of the party, the central government further request to strengthen the basic management work for the cause of the disabled, comprehensive master built on the starting point of a well-off society in an all-round way disabled basic service condition and demand for services, to improve society and service system for the disabled, provide the basis for making development program of the national "Thirteen five" planning and the cause of the disabled "135". According to the status of basic services and needs special investigation data, the Shenyang disabled people's basic living conditions, education, economy, employment, social security and other for statistical analysis, through the establishment of the social service system needs analysis, Shenyang City of persons with disabilities and society demand the influence factors. On this basis, in order to pursue the principle of social justice, and put forward feasible suggestions and Countermeasures to meet the needs of the disabled people's social services, to create a fair and equal social environment for the disabled.

This paper is divided into four parts: the introduction introduces the research background and significance, the research status and research methods; the first chapter introduces the cause of the disabled in related fields of basic concepts and theoretical foundation; the second chapter the basic status of persons with disabilities and social services in Shenyang city through data analysis, analysis of the main features of the disabled in Shenyang area; the third chapter the establishment of social service system needs, and use Logistic model to analyze the influencing factors of social service needs of people with disabilities, and pointed out that the relevant characteristics of the social service demand in urgent need of disabled people; the fourth chapter combines the characteristics of the disabled population in Shenyang City, put forward the feasible countermeasures for the construction of social service system for the disabled.


Read the full article here:   沈阳市残疾人社会服务状况调查研究.pdf