
China's Energy Diplomacy in the Early Age of the 21 Century

Date: 2024-01-09    Source: 

                                                                                                                Guo Jingyi

                                                                         School of International Economics and International Relations

Abstract: Energy is the cornerstone for survival and development of human society, is the restriction element for economic development and the social progress, and is the important basis for national security and sustainable development. Because of the scarcity and the non-renewability of the traditional energy, all the countries in the world are taking increasingly fierce competition for seeking energy. Energy, which is in a special position in the international politics, is not only the ordinary economic item, but also a kind of important strategic resource. With China’s sustained and rapid economic development, the demand for energy is increasing rapidly. The shortage of energy becomes a main factor which influences national security and restricts sustainable development of economy and society. In recent years, all the countries put attention on financial crisis, international energy situation change, new energy development, climate change. These new issues bring both significant opportunity and serious challenge to China's energy diplomacy. This paper combines the variety of factors to explore the issue of China's energy diplomacy in the early age of 21st century. This paper uses the Theory of International Relations of Cooperation Among Nations of Helen Milner, International Regime Theory of Robert. O. Keohane, Joseph Nye, Stephen Krasner, combines the current energy situation of the world to analyze the issue of China's energy diplomacy in the early age of 21st century, analyzes the measures China’s energy diplomacy should take in the future. The results show that China need to make the energy diplomacy strategy which matches to the new situation: China should put more attention on both traditional energy security problems and the cooperation of new energy; China should not only protect energy security, but also help to form a fairer international energy order; China should not only promote sustainable development, but also make joint efforts to protect the environment.


Read the full article here:       21世纪初期的中国能源外交.pdf