
On the Construction of Ideological and Political Courses in Universities under the Mode of Sino foreign Cooperative Education

Date: 2024-01-03    Source: 

                                                                                                           Cheng Yuqing, Jia Jiahui

                                                                                                                School of Marxism

Abstract: With the deepening development of reform and opening up, China's Sino foreign cooperative education has also gone through a process of gradually maturing from immaturity. With the continuous systematization and maturity of Sino foreign cooperative education, China is increasingly emphasizing the important role of ideological and political courses in universities. This article outlines the development process of Sino foreign cooperative education in China through a timeline, discusses the role of ideological and political courses in today's Sino foreign cooperative education, and proposes four practical requirements for the construction of ideological and political courses under the Sino foreign cooperative education model: grasping political orientation, respecting cultural differences, promoting equal dialogue, and adhering to problem orientation.

Read the article here:       浅谈中外合作办学模式下的高校思政课建设_程雨青.pdf