
Exploration of Ways to Strengthen Moral Education and Cultivate Talents under the Mode of Sino Foreign Cooperative Education

Date: 2024-01-03    Source: 


                                                              Song Xiaojun

                                               Asia-Australia Business College

Abstract: The moral education and student management issues under the Sino foreign cooperative education model are highly valued by relevant schools and institutions, and are related to the political, ideological, and targeted nature of ideological and political education in universities. Universities should focus on the characteristics of students under the Sino foreign cooperative education model, as well as the challenges and current situation faced by moral education under this model. They should analyze the current problems and, based on their own conditions and environment, explore new ways of moral education that are suitable for the Sino foreign cooperative education model.

Read the article here:     中外合作办学模式下加强立德树人教育途径探索_宋筱隽.pdf