
A Study on the Psychological Problems of College Students in Sino foreign Cooperative Education Institutions

Date: 2024-01-05    Source: 

                                                                                                                He Wei    

                                                                                               Asia-Australia Business College     

                                                                                                                Yao jia

                                                                                                          Business School                                                                                                 

Abstract: Psychological health has a very important impact on a person's growth and development, and is the guarantee of their normal life, work, and study. In recent years, there have been frequent psychological problems among college students, which have attracted widespread attention from society. Therefore, mental health education for college students is urgent. With the reform of China's education system and the trend of international education models, Sino foreign cooperative education programs have emerged. However, due to their short development history, research on the psychological problems of cooperative education students is not very sufficient. This article aims to deeply explore the causes of psychological problems among students in Sino foreign cooperative education, in order to establish a suitable mental health education model for Sino foreign cooperative education students, help students solve psychological confusion or anxiety, and promote their healthy growth and comprehensive development.

Read the article here:     关于中外合作办学机构大学生心理问题的探究_何薇.pdf