
The impact of carbon tariff on the sustainable development of China's foreign trade and countermeasures

Date: 2024-01-26    Source: 

Wang Houshuang, Yu Lingling, School of Economics


 Abstract: The imposition of carbon tariffs on energy-intensive imported products by developed countries in Europe and the United States will, on the one hand, have a serious impact on China's existing foreign trade development mode, resulting in an increase in the cost of export products, a substantial reduction in export scale and a deterioration in terms of trade; The other side face will force our foreign trade development mode to change, accelerate our foreign trade sustainable development strategy to promote. China should take measures to rationalize the structure of foreign investment, guide the transformation and upgrading of processing trade, vigorously develop service trade, and implement the strategy of green trade growth.


Read the article here:       92碳关税对中国外贸可持续发展的影响及对策_王厚双.pdf