
Analysis and countermeasure thinking on the obstacles of cleaner production in our country

Date: 2024-01-30    Source: 

Ma Shucai, Zhao Guizhi, Sun Changqing, School of Economics

Abstract: The proposal of cleaner production comes from the increasingly serious impact of the industrial revolution on the environment. In the face of the increasingly severe world environmental situation and increasing waste, human beings begin to reflect on the past development mode and environmental management strategy, and strive to find an environmentally friendly and sustainable economic growth mode. Cleaner production is an effective way, which has been proved by the practice of western developed countries Real. In recent years, cleaner production has also made corresponding progress in our country, however, there are still many contradictions and difficulties in the further promotion of cleaner production in our country, we need to analyze it and make corresponding countermeasures. This is the main content of this article, but also the purpose of writing this article.


Read the article here:       130我国发展清洁生产的障碍分析与对策思考_马树才.pdf