Research on the Construction of a Teacher Education System Serving Lifelong Learning for All

Date: 2024-01-03    Source: 

Abstract: Building a teacher education system that serves lifelong learning for all is an objective need to improve China's education quality, promote education modernization, and promote education equity in the new era and situation. It is also an important content of implementing the rural revitalization strategy. In order to strengthen and improve the construction of the teaching staff, relevant departments in China have successively proposed reform suggestions, achieving the basic establishment of the teacher education system and further improving the teacher cultivation and training system. Building a teacher education system that serves lifelong learning for all is conducive to improving the quality of national education, promoting the implementation of rural revitalization strategies, and promoting regional education equity. Building a teacher education system that serves lifelong learning for all is of great significance. The article analyzes this and proposes a series of optimization measures, aiming to provide reference for relevant universities.


Read the article here:   服务全民终身学习的教师教育体系构建_陈莹.pdf