
An Analysis of the Difference of the Expectations to Children in the Families with Only Daughters and Other Families in the Rural Area: A Survey in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-01-30    Source: 

Abstract: The expectation of children reflects the importance and dependence of the family to the children, and the change of the expectation of children is an important way to guide the family to break the traditional family pension model, to realize the social pension, and to make the correct birth decision. Based on the survey data of rural families in Liaoning Province, this paper analyzes the differences between rural girls and non-girls in the three expectation dimensions of education, pension and intergenerational economic support. The study found that non-girl families have higher expectations for their children's retirement and financial support, but lower expectations for their children's education than girl families. This paper suggests that rural women should strengthen employment guidance, develop education and promote the formation of "quantity-quality substitution mechanism" for their children. It is necessary to build a "trinity" system of old-age security, promote the all-round social support for girls' families, improve the benefit-oriented system of planned parenthood, and correctly guide farmers to make decisions on childbearing.


Read the full article here:   农村女孩与非女孩家庭对子女...望差异研究——以辽宁省为例_王玥.pdf